Building an http-based $jpuppy chatterbot

If you don't know what this page is about, you don't need to know what this page is about.

On the mud, build your own $jpuppy and point it at your CGI backend:

@create $jpuppy called MyOwnPuppy
@set MyOwnPuppy.rpc to "http://myownserver/mycgi"

Now anything you say or whisper to MyOwnPuppy will turn into http calls with the text encoded in the query string. This is what they look like in my apache log when I whisper:

You whisper to MyOwnPuppy, "will you be my friend?"
MyOwnPuppy whispers to you, "hi" - - [08/May/2010:09:54:26 +0000] "GET /mycgi?will%20you%20be%20my%20friend%3F HTTP/1.1" 200 3 "-" "mudrpc" "-" "myownserver"
You shoud be able to use some CGI-like technique of your choosing to feed that information into your own code.

The response should be a single line of text, which is what MyOwnPuppy will say or whisper back.