ben's SCM page

Source code management (SCM) and version control (VC) systems:

I've become more interested recently in open source development process. I've kept half an eye pointed at the linux (kernel) project since about 1996 and sent in occasional patches for other bits of software; the Globus Toolkit was the first big project that I work intensively on and for that I'm still keeping an eye on globdev, part of which is attempting to open up the development process a little bit more.

Exposure to stg and darcs have altered my way of thinking about distributed open source development, to have a lot more respect for patches, and for the idea that work should be presented as a (possibly singleton) series of patches that elegantly describe the work.

Something that's interesting perhaps is that its a combination of technical issues and social issues, tied closely together (for example, the choice of SCM can strongly influence the development workflow in adverse ways (a pet peeve being centralised repositories)).

Wikipedia has a List of revision control software.