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Class benno.number.Roman


public class Roman
extends NumberFormat

This NumberFormat converts long integers to and from Roman Numeral notation. Once an instance has been created, the format and parse methods may be used as defined in java.text.NumberFormat.

The RomanNumeralConverter applet demonstrates the use of this class.

$Revision: 1.11 $
Ben Clifford
See Also:

Variable Index

 o syms
This table maps individual Roman symbols onto their numerical values.
Unfortunately, JavaDoc JDK 1.1 does not create documentation for the inner class Roman.SymTab, so the reader cannot see the definition.

Constructor Index

 o Roman()

Method Index

 o format(double, StringBuffer, FieldPosition)
This method returns null.
 o format(long, StringBuffer, FieldPosition)
This method converts the supplied long into capitalised Roman numerals.
BUG: the method does not take account of the FieldPosition p parameter.
 o parse(String, ParsePosition)
This method converts a Roman Numeral string to a long integer.
 o toLong(String)
This method converts a Roman Numeral string to a long integer.
 o toRoman(long)
This method converts a long integer to capitalised Roman notation.


 o syms
 public static Roman. SymTab syms[]
This table maps individual Roman symbols onto their numerical values.
Unfortunately, JavaDoc JDK 1.1 does not create documentation for the inner class Roman.SymTab, so the reader cannot see the definition.


 o Roman
 public Roman()


 o format
 public StringBuffer format(double n,
                            StringBuffer a,
                            FieldPosition p)
This method returns null. I have found no meaningful translation of floating point numbers to Roman numerals, however the NumberFormat method requires that it is implemented. Perhaps should just cast the double to a long and format accordingly.

format in class NumberFormat
 o parse
 public Number parse(String text,
                     ParsePosition parsePosition)
This method converts a Roman Numeral string to a long integer. It does not check that the string is in the correct format - for some incorrectly formatted numbers, i.e. iix, it will produce a number. For others, it will throw an exception.

s - string of Roman Numerals
parsePosition - the place to start parsing
A Long object containing the parsed Roman numeral
parse in class NumberFormat
 o toLong
 public static long toLong(String s)
This method converts a Roman Numeral string to a long integer. It does not check that the string is in the correct format - for some incorrectly formatted numbers, i.e. iix, it will produce a number. For others, it will throw an exception.

s - string of Roman Numerals
The integer representation of the Numerals
 o format
 public StringBuffer format(long n,
                            StringBuffer s,
                            FieldPosition p)
This method converts the supplied long into capitalised Roman numerals.
BUG: the method does not take account of the FieldPosition p parameter.

n - The number to be converted into Roman numerals
s - The StringBuffer into which the output is to be placed.
The StringBuffer s
format in class NumberFormat
 o toRoman
 public static String toRoman(long n)
This method converts a long integer to capitalised Roman notation.

n - The integer to convert to Roman Numerals.
A String object containing the Roman Numerals.

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