Python Gradual Typing: THe Good, The Bad and The Ugly

Ben Clifford

BOB 2022

Draft 2022-02-21


development context

(dynamic) types in Python

Values have types. Variables do not.

  x = 3
  type(x)  # ==> <class 'int'>
  x = {}
  type(x)  # ==> <class 'dict'>

Type syntax

# untyped
def square(y):
  return y*y

x = square(1.41)

# typed
def square(y: float) -> float:
  return y*y

x: float = square(1.41)

Type annotations have no (immediate) effect!

def square(y: float) -> float:
  return y*y

x: float = square([])
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in 
  File "<stdin>", line 2, in square
TypeError: can't multiply sequence by non-int of type 'list'

Runtime checking

def square(y: float) -> float:
  return y*y

x: float = square([])
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: type of argument "y" must be either float or int;
got list instead

Static checking

def square(y: float) -> float:
  return y*y

x: float = square([])

$ mypy error: Argument 1 to "square"
has incompatible type "List[<nothing>]";
  expected "float"

Type Hierarchy

def f(x: object):

x: float = 1.23

f(x) # typechecks ok, because float <= object

Gradual typing

def f(x: float):
  print(x + 1)

y: Any = []

f(y)  # typechecks, because
      # List ~ Any ~ float   (!)

but at runtime...

TypeError: can only concatenate list (not "int") to list

Antipattern vs Gradual Typing

a = planet
a = a.pickCountry()
a = a.pickCity()
a = a.pickCoordinates()

Rewrite this in more amenable style...

a: Any

Union types

def f(x: Union[float, str]):
    if isinstance(x, float):
        print("not a float")

y: float = 1.23

f(y)  ==> 2.45

# float <= Union[float, str]
# str <= Union[float, str]



is equivalent to

Union[X, None]

Duck typing, statically

"If it walks like a duck and it quacks like a duck, then it must be a duck"

def print_len(x):

print_len([]) => 0       # empty list
print_len({}) => 0       # empty dict
print_len("hello") => 5  # str

print_len(1.23) => TypeError: object of type 'float' has no len()

Duck typing, statically

class Sized(Protocol):  # (based on real Python impl)
    def __len__(self) -> int:

def print_len(x: Sized):

print_len([]) => 0
print_len({}) => 0
print_len("hello") => 5

isinstance({}, Sized) ==> True

print_len(100) error: Argument 1 to "print_len" has incompatible type "int";
                expected "Sized"

Duck typing, statically

class A():
  def __len__(self):
    return 128

a = A()

print_len(a)  ==> 128

isinstance(a, Sized)  ==> True

Dynamic arguments

def f(*args, **kwargs):
    print(f"There are {len(args)} regular args")
    print(f"There are {len(kwargs)} keyword args")

f() => 
There are 0 regular args
There are 0 keyword args

f(1,2,3) =>
There are 3 regular args
There are 0 keyword args

f(8, greeting="hello") =>
There are 1 regular args
There are 1 keyword args


# typeguard
def square(y: float) -> float:
  return y*y
# parsl
def hostname():
  return "/bin/hostname"
# flask (quickstart)
def show_post(post_id):
    return 'Post %d' % post_id
    # appears as URL: http://localhost/post/53


def f(x):
    return x+1
desugars to (approx):
def internal_f(x):
    return x+1

f = mydecorator(internal_f)

Decorator typing

def f(x: int) -> int:
  return x+1

# aka:

def internal_f(x: int) -> int:
    return x+1

f = mydecorator(internal_f)

def mydecorator(function: ??) -> ??

Decorator typing

Sig = TypeVar('Sig')

def mydecorator(func: Sig) -> Sig
    return func

def internal_f(x: int) -> int:
    return x+1

f = mydecorator(internal_f)

Decorator typing

def f(x: int) -> str
  return str(x)

# should have type 
#  f(x: int) -> Future[str]
Sig = TypeVar('Sig')
def mydecorator(func: Sig) -> Sig
is not expresive enough (in Python <=3.9)


class Animal:

class Dog(Animal):

# Dog <= Animal <= object

animals: List[Animal] = []

def add_dog(l: List[Dog]):
  my_dog: Dog = ...

add_dog(animals)    # valid?


class Animal():

class Dog(Animal):

# Dog <= Animal <= object

animals: List[Animal] = [Cat(), Dog(), Dog(), Cow()]

def count_dogs(l: List[Dog]):
    print(f"There are {len(l)} dogs")

count_dogs(animals)    # valid?


Dog <= Animal


Sequence[Dog] <= Sequence[Animal]

(Sequence[X] is a read only List/tuple/...)


Dog <= Animal


Callable[[Animal], str] <= Callable[[Dog], str]


* Co-variance  eg. (read only) Sequence
* Contra-variance  eg. function args
* invariant   eg. List

In practice, hit problems with List often. eg replace with Sequence

Parsl development considerations

* Easy stuff
  - Can go into master
  - type annotations with none of the nonsense that I've
    just talked about; gradual typing/Any elsewhere
  - easy for everyone to understand simple typing (c.f. Haskell98 crowd)
  - high payoff in poorly-tested code like error handling
  - typeguard at user boundaries (runtime checking)
  - mypy within Parsl codebase (static checking)

* Hard stuff
  - separate branch for my exploration
  - discover bugs to fix on master
    without necessarily adding types to master
  - avoid forcing complication onto other dynamic Python programmers
  - free to use latest python / mypy / type checker plugins
- Ende -